Today, new technologies make it possible to expand the charitable sector and consolidate the Tzedakah culture, as it has always been for centuries. When the strong helped the weak. So that each person has the opportunity to contribute to our common cause.
Donations can be:
Public or anonymous
You can enter your name, and then it will appear on our website, or you can remain anonymous
One-time or monthly
The transfer of funds can be one-time, or every month the amount that you would like to donate to the Fund will be debited from your account
But they will always be accountable
At the end of the month, each of you will receive by email a full report on how and for what needs the funds were spent.
Incorporation documents
SOLOMON Charity Fund for the Jewish Traditions and Culture Support
Legal address: 127018, Moscow, 2nd Vysheslavtsev per., 5 A
INN 9715281331 / KPP 771501001
OGRN 1167700072781
Settlement account № 407 038 102 380 000 063 22
Purpose of payment: Donations for the maintenance of the organization and the conduct of statutory activities
The percentage of the donation is deducted for taxes, passes according to the form 51003 Terms of the offer
Make a donation
Latest donations
19.02.2025 07:29:25
19.02.2025 07:23:53
Михаил Киреев
19.02.2025 00:26:03
18.02.2025 23:49:02
18.02.2025 21:59:22
Sometimes a few clicks are enough to help
With the support of FJCR and the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar
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Thanks to you, our Fund will be able to help the most vulnerable segments of the population: the elderly, the disabled and orphans.
Please help us to attract even more caring people to this good cause - tell us about our foundation. Statistics confirm that people most of all trust the opinion of their acquaintances. If you tell your friends that "" is trustworthy and they may also want to help the disadvantaged through our foundation.
Please share this link on social media. With your support, we can help even more people who really need help.
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Вы поможете нам еще больше, если расскажете своим друзьям о том, что заслуживает доверия и реально помогает нуждающимся.
Пожалуйста, поделитесь этой ссылкой в социальных сетях. С Вашей поддержкой мы сможем помочь еще большему числу тех, кому помощь действительно очень нужна.
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Благодаря Вам наш фонд сможет оказать поддержку многим социально незащищенным людям – инвалидам, детям-сиротам, одиноким старикам.
Один из наших сотрудников свяжется с Вами по указанному в заявке номеру телефона, уточнит удобное для Вас время встречи и направит на почту напоминание с адресом офиса и утверждёнными датой и временем.